Can’t Anyone Cook an Ole’ Fashion Hoe Cake Anymore?
Cooler weather brings on that taste for a pot of beans simmered on a wood stove all day. What really sets this humble dish apart from opening a can of beanie weenies is making a good Ole’ Fashion Hoe Cake cooked in a Cast Iron Griswald Skillet to go with em. My hunting buddies can’t wait for the season to start. They know what’s on the stove waiting their arrival.Follow my lead and you will have something to talk about. It’s that easy, give it a try.
2 cups self rising flour
1 cup milk
1/2 cup lard or shortening
1 tsp salt
Per heat oven to 425 degrees, place skillet into oven with enough oil in the bottom to cover it evenly. Leave skillet in oven until oil is hot enough to fry with and oil begains to smoke lightly.
In a bowl, cut lard into flour and salt, add milk and stir until wet and batter takes on the look of cake batter, add more milk if needed. just enough to loosen it up. Work any lumps out with a fork. Pour batter into hot skillet, then shake the pan a little to even out the batter and bake for approx 15-20 mins. Let rest about 3-5 mins then turn out on a plate and get at it. So good it will make your tongue slap the back of your neck.